Background of Norman Harris

@20ccnorman - LinkedIn -

On graduating in Mechanical Engineering, I was also very keen on management subjects and had a place with the Sheffield Business School then about to be launched. But the launch was delayed and so a choice was made between REME (compulsory National Service had just ended) and ICI. ICI was selected.

I have a very wide experience, working in 20 countries, often applying the most advanced computer techniques to engineering design and business management processes.

My experience was gained whilst working for ICI (in its best days!), BNFL, PERA, Davy, ComputerVision & Intergraph.

ICI could claim to be the creator of formalised systems thinking approaches and I have practiced and taught these techniques for the Open University for more than 30 years from 1976 – 2008. As an Associate Lecturer I also taught successive versions of their Engineering & Systems Thinking courses at all levels of. I also tutored at residential schools at MSc level. My final appointments included being External Examiner for 4 years to the Arab Open University in Kuwait.

I have consulted for AMEC, AstraZeneca, BAe Systems, CADCentre (AVEVA), DERA (QinetiQ), Haden Building Management, London Underground, McDermott Marine, Postcomm, Royal College of Music, Samsung, Syngenta & Tarmac.  With many business marketing strategy assignments for smaller companies.

Systems Thinking is the basis of all my in-house and consultancy assignments involving the review and development of policies and strategies (soft systems). In applying this methodology, I brought independence.

I have been involved with the Process Industry since 1960, entering the embryo technology of computer applications to design in ICI in 1967, with significant involvement in the development of pioneer systems in piping and 3D modelling, the today’s successors of which are today the normal method of design for all projects. I headed the Engineering Computer Applications team at BNFL which broke new ground in 1981 by issuing contracts requiring that all four engineering contractors engaged on the £2.0bn THORP project use the same proprietary computing systems for schematic design, piping layout and isometrics.

I continued promoting and specifying the developments of the technology in senior European Marketing positions for the major US software companies, ComputerVison and Intergraph until 1991. I presented at conferences often in the UK and throughout Europe and in several locations in the USA.

I am a Past Chair of the Process Industries Division of the IMechE, then the largest division of this premier UK engineering Institution.

I was invited to join the Worshipful Company of Engineers and became a Freeman of the City of London on 6th April 2006 and then a Liveryman 10th October 2006.


I have been involved in considerable voluntary work in athletics as the ICI's Billingham Synthonia Athletic Club Hon Sec after a knee injury ended my competitive career. With the local Council as sponsor, I organised the first B International to be held in the Northeast of England. After moving to Croydon in 1972 I joined and later chaired the 1,400-member branch of what was then the British Institute of Management (now Chartered Management Institute). I joined the SDP and was its Chair when the merger with the Liberals took place. I have recently joined the European Movement.

I have been a Member/Fellow of the IMechE for over 60 years. My voluntary work for the IMechE commenced in 1979. I formed the Computer Application Committee specialising in Process CAD and chaired it for many years, I also formed the Pharmaceutical Committee leaving it to become Chair of the Process Industries Division from 2001- 2004. Latterly I led the re-formation of the Food & Drink Committee. I have chaired Membership Panels since 1986 and now am an Industrial Assessor reviewing Fellowship applications. My chairing days were not done as I chaired 6 Webinars on Energy Transition between September 2021 and April 2022.

I have used my database to recruit members to the Process Division Committees on several occasions.

Still a resident of Croydon I served on the Board of the apartment block in which I live for 30 years and chaired its Board of 14 years. I also chaired the Trustees of the private estate of 311 homes on which my home is situated. These posts were honorary.

Now "retired" but I actively promote selected products, engineering developments that mitigate Climate Change and my views on life today, see LinkedIn and Twitter @20CCnorman and my own writing is available on my website

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