A Systems Thinking Methodology

Systems Thinking is an aid to reviewing the entirety of a complex human activity system which is causing problems. It employs a variety of tools and techniques used in a flexible methodology. These cover the essential skills needed to explore the problem as a sole investigator or be the coordinator of a study group.

The techniques are normally applied to:

Identify the source problems in the human activity of complex interconnected situations.

Focus on the key system as a potential solution.

Examine the possible solutions which benefit of the majority of stakeholders.

Evaluate the best course of action, avoiding unintended consequences.

It can be used as a “front end” analysis to arrive at a clearer formulation of the problem. In such work it can help isolate myths and identify vested interests.

I normally applied the method in business to:

improve high level operational business processes.

define operational strategy improvements.

refine the requirements of project.

I have tutored Open University systems courses for 30 years and use much of this theory and principles in many of my consultancy assignments.

There is an array of techniques. The Open University coined SUDA – Sense, Understand, Decide and Act. Below is a more comprehensive outline..

What are the Objectives of the Initiative?

Initiative means “inefficient process” or “policy.”

Always assess the Objectives after an initial study.

Market Aware or Market Driven (Catch-up)

Review of the Issues (SENSE)

Draw a Spray Diagram to highlight the issues and deduce the systems involved.

Draw a Rich Picture to portray the impacts with emotion.

Draw a Systems Map to make sense of the structure of problems.

Construct a Stakeholder matrix.

Determine the System(s) of Interest

Re-test the Objectives.

Analysis of the Issues UNDERSTAND)

Draw a Systems Map to assess current organisation.

Review System(s) of Interest

Draw an Influence Diagram


Draw a Multiple Cause Diagram


Explore the Issues.

Consider a Sign Graph

Consider 2x2 matrix analysis.

Consider a Model

Decide on the target KPIs.

DECIDE on Actions

List possible remedial actions.

Select the criteria against which the actions are judged.

Check they relate to the target KPIs.

Consider a Multiple Criteria Analysis (MCA), or SWOT or STEP analysis.

The 5Ws an H can help – Who, Why, What, When, Where and How

Do a reality check.

Recommend the best choice(s)

ACT on a Plan

Look at soft issues.

Look at hard issues.

Implement the project/strategy and phasing leading to project initiation.