My Writings - Norman Harris

LinkedIn and Twitter @20ccnorman

I am a News Addict, watching 4 news channels each evening and reading The Economist, The New European (7 letters published) and The Week.

In the 80s, I edited 2 publications, sponsored by the then DTI (Department of Trade & Industry) on how computer applications would develop in the Process Industries. The second was followed by a Conference in QEII Conference Centre.

As part of my support for the training of InIPED (see their page on this site), I edited over 40 of their training modules. I have recently formatted a 350-page book of a leading politician.

Also, I have had pieces published in the Lancashire Magazine

Climate Change

A Critique of Climate Change

Engineering is Mitigating Climate Change Part 1 new electricity production.

Engineering is Mitigating Climate Change Part 2 new ways of using power.


            Life in the Southern USA.

            UK & US Elections Compared.

            Christmas in the Southern USA.

            Differences in daily life across the pond.


            Council Tax Reform.

            Scottish Independence.

And 8 political letters in The New European Newspaper since its re-launch.

I have also written pieces for the magazines of my Resident Association, the local Church and for the Worshipful Company of Engineers.